A device and method for transdermally stimulating selected body parts of a mammalwhich includes a first waveform generator for generating a first waveform havinga first frequency capable of stimulating a first predetermined body part, a secondwaveform generator for generating a carrier waveform having a second frequencycapable of passing through tissue of the mammal, and a third waveform generatorfor generating a third waveform having a third frequency different from and outof phase with that of the first waveform, and capable of stimulating a second predeterminedbody part. A modulation device is electrically coupled to the first, second andthird waveform generators and modulates the carrier, first, and third waveformsto create a modulated signal package. A first electrode is electrically coupledto the modulation device and positioned substantially adjacent to the skin ofthe mammal to apply the modulated signal package thereto.