< Topic > Ophthalmology and dentistry, ear and nose throat course and the urology disease outside is made verification possible offer the apparent mirror device to first stage by it tries to being able look at the visual zone of the eye carefully.Solutions The passing ring which possesses the salient (52) this invention in order the substance of knob form (10), the substance (10) to incline to the Tip aforementioned itself (10), being extended, transmits the light of LED (40) and the aforementioned LED (40) it is dispersed is installed around the CCD camera section (30) and the aforementioned CCD camera section (30) which in the hole of the body of the person are inserted in the inside diameter section of the shell (20) of penetration possible diameter and the aforementioned shell (20) with uniform luminous intensity, spreads transmitted light (50) With it is the portable type CCD camera image device for the human body which is included.< Selective figure > Drawing 3【課題】 目の視覚地帯をよく見ることができるようにすることによって、眼科、歯科、耳鼻咽喉科及び泌尿器科疾患を初期に確認可能にする外視鏡装置を提供すること。【解決手段】 本発明は取っ手形状の本体と(10)、前記本体(10)の先端に本体(10)と傾斜するように突出されて、人の体の穴に貫入可能な直径の管体部(20)と、前記管体部(20)の内径部に挿入されるCCDカメラ部(30)と、前記CCDカメラ部(30)の回りに分散設置されたLED(40)と、前記LED(40)の光を均一な照度で透過させ、透過光を拡散させる凸出部(52)を有する通過リング(50)とを含む人体用携帯型CCDカメラ映像装置である。【選択図】 図3