1. A method for restoring lost teeth, consisting in the fact that the operational processing is performed in which the resected tooth tissue lost density, formed of the cavity is filled with cement, the pin is inserted, the tooth impart the required shape, characterized in that after filling restorative tooth canal purified solution is introduced it twist elastic anti-corrosion of the reinforcing wires, the other ends of which are bred and passed to a persistent pattern holes rigidly fixed twisting reinforcing wires in healthy root canal tooth decay by hardening of the filling solution mounted on the teeth adjacent to the destroyed, resistant pattern with missing through his hole reinforcement wires stretched past, for which they are twisted in pairs from the thick filling material form the backbone of the tooth root in the area between a destroyed tooth and hard bottom pattern give exposure to full solidification formed the core of the restored tooth bite reinforcing wires protruding beyond the surface of the core remove stubborn pattern folded ends of the reinforcing wires on the surface of the core cover cover frame having a color corresponding to adjacent teeth of the patient restore the necessary form patsienta.2 tooth. The device realizing the method according to Claim. 1, comprising a reinforcing filling materials and devices, characterized in that it is resistant pattern with openings for passing through the elastic anticorrosive reinforcement wires, pre-twisted ends in tight twist.1. Способ восстановления утраченных зубов, состоящий в том, что осуществляют оперативную обработку, при которой иссекают ткани зуба, утратившие плотность, заполняют образовавшиеся полости цементом, вставляют штифт, придают зубу необходимую форму, отличающийся тем, что после заполнения очищенного канала зуба пломбировочным раствором вводят в него скрутку антикоррозионных упругих арматурных проволок, другие концы которых разводят и пропускают в отверстия упорного шаблона жестко закр