A mower apparatus comprising a center mower deck, right and left inner wingmowerdecks and right and left outer wing mower and wheels support the decks fortravel in anoperating travel direction. A plurality of front mower blades is rotatablymounted underthe center mower deck, the right and left inner wing mower decks, and theright and leftouter mower decks such that front rotational axes of the front mower bladesare alignedalong a front mower line oriented perpendicular to the operating traveldirection. Aplurality of rear mower blades is rotatably mounted under the center mowerdeck, theright and left inner wing mower decks, and the right and left outer mowerdecks such thatrear rotational axes of the rear mower blades are aligned along a rear mowerline orientedparallel to the front mower line, and a mower drive rotate the mower blades.