The present invention relates to a fishway barrier block installed in a river to make up a barrier within a fishway. The purpose of the present invention is to allow fishes to easily swim upstream as the fishway barrier blocks are fixated to a concrete floor of a fishway structure in a lateral direction by a fixating device at the bottom of the fishway barrier blocks to make up the fishway barrier provided in a pool within a fishway in order to reduce the flow rate and to allow fishes to smoothly swim upstream as the fishway barrier blocks are made by attaching the fixating device to the bottom of a native rock to make up the fishway barrier in order to provide a natural environment for fishes. The fishway made up by the fishway barrier blocks secures a certain water depth against the low-water level of the river using the blocks to allow fishes or other organisms to freely flow and the river to be connected to the fishway in order to restore a river ecosystem prevents the loss of the fishway barrier blocks as the fixating device securely fixates the fishway barrier blocks reduces the construction cost of the fishway without the placement of mortar for fixating the fishway barrier blocks and provides a natural environment when the fishway barrier blocks are made of a native rock. In addition to this, the fishway barrier block made of a native rock is applied to the construction of a barrier for preventing the loss of a riverbed or a river bank to be securely fixated by the fixating device, thereby preventing the loss of the blocks and the scour of the riverbed of the river bank.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본 발명은 하천에 설치되는 어도에 있어서, 어도내의 격벽을 조성하기 위한 어도 격벽용 블록에 관한 것으로, 특히 어도 격벽용 블록 하단에 어도 구조물의 바닥 콘크리트에 고정할 수 있는 고정 장치를 구비하여, 어도 격벽용 블록을 어도 구조물의 바닥 콘크리트에 횡방향으로 고정하여 어도 격벽을 조성하며, 어도 내의 풀에 설치하여 유속을 감소시켜 상류로 올라가는 어류의 유영을 쉽게 하고, 특히 자연석 하단에 고정 장치를 부착하여 어도 격벽용 블록을 제작한 후 어도 격벽을 조성하여 어류에게 자연 그대로의 환경을 제공하여 어류의 상류 이동을 원활하게 하기 위함이다. 상기와 같은 어도 격벽용 블록으로 어도를 조성하면 하천의 수량이 적은 저수위시 블록으로 인하여 일정 수심을 확보