A high-efficiency, wide-angle illumination surgical system is disclosed, oneembodiment comprising: a light source for providing a light beam; an opticalcable,optically coupled to the light source for receiving and transmitting the lightbeam; ahandpiece, operably coupled to the optical cable; an optical fiber, operablycoupled to thehandpiece, wherein the optical fiber is optically coupled to the optical cableto receive andtransmit the light beam, an optical element, optically coupled to a distal endof the opticalfiber, for receiving the light beam and scattering the light beam toilluminate an area,wherein the optical element comprises a compound parabolic concentrator('CPC') cone; anda cannula, operably coupled to the handpiece, for housing and directing theoptical fiber andthe optical element. The CPC-cone optical element angularly spreads the lightbeam out to ahigh off-axis angle and emits the light out of the distal end of the cannulawith highefficiency.