The invention relates to a composition intended for reinforcing and protecting the facades of buildings and historical monuments and to a process for in-situ implementing the same. According to the invention, the product comprises 15...30% a calcium source, 10...20% a phosphate source, 1...5% a collagen source, 2...5% biologically active extracts or antimicrobial aromatic oils in admixture with synthesis biocides, in a ratio of 1:1...1:3, 5...10% an ecologically acceptable solvent, 10...15% an antifreeze agent, 15...20% a film-forming agent, 0.01...0.03% natural pigment and, for the remainder up to 100%, water, the percentage being expressed by weight. The process claimed by the invention consists in cleaning the mineral support and drying it, filling the fissures, cracks and microcraters with the claimed composition, biocementation thereof in situ at atmospheric temperature and pressure, by exposing them to air for at least 72 h, after which, onto the repaired defects and onto the rest of the surface, the composition diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3...1:9 is applied, by brushing, so that, when dried, results in a thin film of about 10 &mum for long-term protection against biodeteriorationInvenţia se referă la o compoziţie pentru consolidarea şi protecţia faţadelor de clădiri şi monumente istorice, şi la un procedeu pentru implementareaa acestuia. Produsul conform invenţiei este alcătuit din 15...30% o sursă de calciu, 10...20% o sursă de fosfat, 1...5% o sursă de colagen, 2...5% extracte biologice active sau uleiuri aromatice antimicrobiene în amestec 1:1...1:3 cu biocide de sinteză, 5...10% un solvent ecologic acceptabil, 10...15% un agent antigel, 15...20% un agent peliculogen, 0,01...0,03% un pigment natural, şi apă până la 100%, procentele fiind exprimate în greutate. Procedeul de aplicare constă în curaţarea suportului mineral şi uscarea sa, încărcarea fisurilor, crăpăturilor şi microcraterelor cu compoziţia conform invenţiei, biocimentarea, la temperatură