The present invention relates to an intelligent monitoring system for a campus infirmary, comprising a student sub-terminal and an infirmary terminal. The student sub-terminal comprises a student identity information module, a heart rate detection module, a body temperature detection module, and an information transmission module which is configured to send detected data of the heart rate detection module and the body temperature detection module to the infirmary terminal regularly. The infirmary terminal comprises an identity authentication module cooperating with the student identity information module, an information receiving module cooperating with the information transmission module, a processor module configured to process information received by the information receiving module, and an information database configured to file and store the information processed by the processor. After being detected by the heart rate detection module and the body temperature detection module, heart rate and body temperature information of a student is regularly sent to the information receiving module of the infirmary terminal by means of the information transmission module, and is filed and stored in the information database after being processed by the processor module, so that the heart rate and body temperature information of the student is always grasped for ease of prevention and treatment of diseases.La présente invention décrit un système intelligent de surveillance destiné à une infirmerie de campus, comprenant un sous-terminal détudiant et un terminal dinfirmerie. Le sous-terminal détudiant comprend un module dinformations didentité de létudiant, un module de détection de la fréquence cardiaque, un module de détection de la température corporelle, et un module de transmission dinformations qui est configuré pour envoyer les données détectées du module de détection de la fréquence cardiaque et du module de détection de la température corporelle de manière régulière a