The object of the present invention is to provide a freeze-dried preparation with improved hepatocyte proliferation factor storage compared to the traditional freeze-dried preparation. The concentration storage stability of the hepatocyte proliferation factor is calculated according to the following formula (A). The present invention provides a freeze-dried preparation comprising (1) a hepatocyte proliferation factor, (2) trehalose, and (3) one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of arginine, Histidine, lysine, meglumine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, proline, creatine, creatinine, trimethylolaminomethane, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.本發明目標在於提供一冷凍乾燥製劑,該冷凍乾燥製劑相較于傳統冷凍乾燥製劑具有改進的肝細胞增生因子儲根據以下公式(A)計算肝細胞增生因子的濃度存穩定性。本發明提供一冷凍乾燥製劑,該冷凍乾燥製劑包括(1)一肝細胞增生因子,(2)海藻糖以及(3)一種或多種選自由以下各項組成的群組之化合物:精胺酸、組胺酸、離胺酸、葡甲胺、穀胺酸、天冬胺酸、脯胺酸、肌酸、肌酸酐、三羥甲基胺基甲烷、及其藥學上容許之鹽。