This useful model describes a "frequently programmable humidity suppression device on capillary tubes", compared with competition, It brings the following technical improvements: Programming: to optimize its scientific resources, the device has the right to program in the most appropriate way according to the transmitted parameters and location geometry to ensure the most efficient and rapid precipitation. Measurement: the instrument consists of an internal and external intelligent sensor, the purpose of which is to measure in real time from anywhere in the world.3. Humidity of the affected area. 239. Effectiveness: it is possible for the device to modulate and program its frequency in terms of time, length and power, thus greatly reducing the time for wall dewatering compared to competition. Monitoring: a liquid crystal display is installed on the device to display the humidity and temperature of the air and the wall affected by the rising humidity of the capillary. This information enables the customer to measure the performance of the device in real time. In short, machines made with state-of-the-art technology in Ecuador allow a series of actions,It's not just devices that don't exist commercially, but if it's not really unthinkable so far, all applications are designed to optimize their functionalityEste modelo de utilidad describe un “Aparato Inhibidor de Humedad Ascendente Capilar con Frecuencia Programable” que, en comparación a la competencia, aporta las siguientes mejoras técnicas: Programación: El aparato al fin de optimizar sus recursos científicos tiene la facultad de ser programado en el modo más convenientes según de los parámetros transmitidos y de la geometría del lugar, para lograr la mayor eficacia y el desecamiento más rápido y efectivo. Medición: El aparato consta de un sensor inteligente interno y externo inventado con el fin de medir en tiempo real y desde cualquier parte del mundo, la situación del problema de humedad en la zona afectada. Efi