A control device resistant to termites to moisture, comprising: a container for bait that includes a first chamber, an upper end portion defining an upper opening in the first chamber, a closure to selectively access and close sealingly the top opening, a resilient side wall to water, a lower end portion defining a lower end of the container for bait, and a second chamber below the first chamber; a bait placed in the first chamber of the container for bait, the bait susceptible be consumed or displaced by one or more species of termite; foam waterproof, edible or displaceable for termites polyurethane, placed in the second chamber to separate said bait from its environment and reduce intrusion of water through the lower end portion when the container for bait is installed in a selected orientation at least partially below ground; an accessory comprising a partition, wherein the partition is positioned between the first and the second chamber; the partition including a plurality of apertures extending therethrough, wherein the partition is made of a material resistant to be removed or tampered by termites; and an edible or displaceable barrier to termites, wherein the barrier is held in place by the fixture.Un dispositivo de control de termitas resistente a la humedad, que comprende: un recipiente para el cebo que incluye una primera cámara, una porción terminal superior que define una abertura superior en la primera cámara, un cierre para acceder selectivamente y cerrar de manera hermética la abertura superior, una pared lateral resistente al agua, una porción terminal inferior que define un extremo inferior del recipiente para el cebo, y una segunda cámara debajo de la primera cámara; un cebo colocado en la primera cámara del recipiente para el cebo, el cebo susceptible de ser consumido o desplazado por una o más especies de termita; una espuma de poliuretano resistente al agua, comestible o desplazable para las termitas, colocadas en la segunda cámara para separar