Abstract Falling is the leading cause of elder people injury and quite common in elderly. It represents the significant threat to the elder people. Parkinsons disease is a chronic and movement disorder that affects the cells in the brain. It is a neurodegenerative disorder that can cause rigidity and posture instability. The consequence resulting from the elder people fall detection may lead to serious injuries. Such a consequence can be minimized by giving the alert information to their care taker and doctors.Our proposed product is integrating MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) basedaccelerometer, gyroscope, ECG and pressure sensor with Androidand iOSapplicationWhen there is a dangerous movement approaching fall,the early fall alarm will warn the aged to stop themovement. When the fall happens, the early fall alarmwill ring by observing the accelerometer and gyroscope sensor values and send message to the guardians mobile through GPS for help along with latitude and longitude of target user and in case of no internet simple message will be send. The accelerometer and gyroscope are used for providing the information about direction, frequency and changes in orientation and postures. Geofencing is used to limit the movement of the target user in the specified area only. If they cross that boundary, the care taker will notify with SMS. The people who are suffering from parkinsons disease are in need of fall detection services and the elder people who are in need of continuousmonitoring are target users of the proposed device. This device will help the elder people by providing voice based direction to their location when they forget themselves and automatic emergency resistance by using fall detection and long periods of immobility. It will remind the patientsto take their medication.