anti-igf-i receptor antibody or fragment thereof or a derivative thereof, nucleic acid molecule, cloning vector or expression vector, recombinant cell, process of producing an anti-igf-i receptor antibody or fragment thereof or a derivative thereof, pharmaceutical composition, medication, method for growing cells derived from vertebrates in vitro, and, transgenic animal.
the present invention provides an anti-igf-i receptor antibody that specifically binds to a vertebrate igf-i receptor and has the proliferation-inducing activity of a vertebrate-derived cell, or a fragment thereof, or derivatives the same.a presente invenção fornece um anticorpo do receptor de anti-igf-i que se liga especificamente a um receptor de igf-i de um vertebrado e tem a atividade indutora de proliferação de uma célula derivada de vertebrado, ou um fragmento da mesma, ou derivados das mesmas.