Disclosed is an aroma and mosquito repellent composition, which consists of substances or powders including pyrethroid powder, lavender, citronella, cedar powder and wormwood. By mixing the aforementioned according to appropriate proportions, the mixed power can be directly applied or be artificially synthesized and pressed into a solid substance therefore, the solid substance or power (composition) can be used as aroma for air refreshing as well as mosquito repelling once heated. The disclosed provides a composition that is purely natural, chemical-free and pesticide-free, non-harmful to human body, safe, healthy and environment-friendly, and is capable of improving living quality and atmosphere.本發明係為一種「香薰及驅蚊用組合物」,其係由除蟲菊花粉、薰衣草、香茅、楠木粉及艾草等物質及其粉末,按適當比例混合後,取適量粉末直接使用或人工合成經壓製成型而為一固體,該固體或粉末(組合物)經加溫加熱後,不僅能作為空氣芳香之香薰用,更能具有驅蚊功效。本案成份純天然,不使用任何化學農藥,對人體無害,安全、健康且環保,能有效提升居家品質與氛圍。1‧‧‧組合物11‧‧‧除蟲菊花粉12‧‧‧薰衣草13‧‧‧香茅14‧‧‧楠木粉15‧‧‧艾草