< Topic >It does not have an influence on the angle of the back rest section of the bed for nursing, locks the bolster, it offers the bolster fixing cover for nursing which makes exchange fast to easy.SolutionsBeing the cover for bolster fixing of nursing which is installed in the back rest section of the bed for nursing, the bolster fixing cover and the bolster fixing cover which have the bolster storage section it is installed as one unit, provides with the belt part for desorption possible fixing for the back rest section.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】介護用ベッドの背もたれ部の角度に影響されず、枕を固定し、交換を素早く容易にする介護用枕固定カバーを提供する。【解決手段】介護用ベッドの背もたれ部に、装着する介護用枕固定用カバーであって、枕収容部を備えた枕固定カバーと、枕固定カバーと一体に取り付けられ、背もたれ部に脱着可能な固定用帯部とを備える。【選択図】図1