Systems and methodsfor non-vascular sensor implantation andfor accurately measuring a physiologicalparameter in areas of a body whereamounts of the physiological parameterare heterogeneous. An implant unit (10) isimplanted in an area of a body and a foreignbody capsule is allowed to form aroundthe area of the implant unit. A sensor maybe directed into a body cavity such as, forexample, the peritoneal space, subcutaneoustissues, the foreign body capsule, or otherarca of the body. A subcutaneous areaof the body may be tunneled to place thesensor. A plurality of spatially separatedsensing elements may be used for detectingindividual amounts of the physiologicalparameter. An overall amount of thephysiological parameter may be determinedby calculating a statistical measurement ofthe individual sensed amounts in the areamay be determined based on the sensedamounts.