Disclosed is a computer-implemented method of generating a virtual model of a set of teeth for manufacturing a physical model of the set of teeth, the method comprising: - providing a virtual model of the set of teeth (402), the model comprising a gingival part (401) and a tooth configured to be part of a removable component (405) in the model - generating a cavity (407) in said gingival part, said cavity comprising a cavity wall, into which cavity said removable component fits such that an interface between the removable component (405) and the wall of the cavity (407) is defined, where the removable component (405) and the cavity (407) are configured to provide a gap at said interface and - providing means (409) for supporting and positioning the removable component (405) in the cavity (407), where the means for supporting and postitioning are generated on one of said removable component and said cavity wall such that the means (409) for supporting and positioning extends across said gap between said removable component (405) and said cavity wall - wherein the area of contact between the removable component (405) and the cavity wall at said interface is controlled by the shape of the adjoining surfaces of the means (409) for supporting and positioning and the other of the removable component (405) and the cavity wall.