Compounds derived from pregnenolone, CB1 Receptor Antagonists, Pharmaceutical Composition and its use for the treatment of disorders of the bladder and gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, inflammatory diseases, among others.
The invention relates to an antagonist of CB1 receptor for use in the treatment of a pathologic condition or disorder selected from the group consisting of bladder and gastrointestinal disorders ; inflammatory diseases; cardiovascular diseases; nephropathies; glaucoma ; spasticity ; cancer ; osteoporosis ; metabolic disorders ; obesity ; addiction, dependence, abuse and relapse related disorders; psychiatric and neurological disorders; neurodegenerative disorders ; autoimmune hepatitis and encephalitis ; pain ; reproductive disorders and skin inflammatory and fibrotic diseases.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE PREGNENOLONA, ANTAGONISTAS DE RECEPTOR CB1; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA: Y SU USO PARA TRATAR TRASTORNOS DE LA VEJIGA, GASTROINTESTINALES, INFLAMATORIOS, CARDIOVASCULARES, NEFROPATÍ;AS, GLAUCOMA, ESPASTICIDAD, CÁ;NCER, OSTEOPOROSIS, OBESIDAD, TRASTORNOS METABÓ;LICOS, DE ADICIÓ;N, DEPENDENCIA Y ABUSO, PSIQUIÁ;TRICOS, NEUROLÓ;GICOS, NEURODEGENERATIVOS, HEPATITIS, ENCEFALITIS AUTOINMUNE, DOLOR Y ENFERMEDAD FIBRÓ;TICA DE LA PIEL.<;/p>;