1. A delicious jelly is made by putting fruits melted and inserted, dried, or processed in a jelly when making the jelly with a fruit juice solution or fruit dried powder. 2. Vitamins, health-promoting ingredients, or other ingredients can be additionally inserted. 3. One kind or two kinds of fruits can be mixed. 4. Fruits inserted in the jelly are pears, pineapples, blueberries, pomegranates, oranges, strawberries, tangerines, coconuts, quinces, apples, grape fruits, melons, coffee, chocolates, plums, Rubus coreanus, watermelons, oriental melons, apricots, citrons, and guavas.1.과일즙액이나 과일건조가루를 젤리를 만들때 녹여 넣거나, 건조하거나 가공한 과일을 젤리안에 넣어 맛있는 젤리를 만든다.2.추가로 비타민이나 몸에 좋은 재료나 그외의 재료가 들어갈 수 있다.3.과일은 한가지나 두가지이상 혼합 될수있다.4.들어가는 과일에는 배,파인애플,블루베리,석류,오렌지,딸기귤,코코넛,모과,사과,자몽,메론,커피,쵸콜릿,매실,복분자,수박,참외,살구,유자,구아바가 있다.