The object of the application is a modular hand prosthesis, which allows the capture of objects of any shape, applicable in the prosthetic. The modular arm prosthesis consists of the arm body (1) with the arm cover and the hand body (2) with the thumb cover made of two sticks (12) and a cone (13) and four fingers (35) made of four sticks (12) and a cone (13). The body of the forearm (1) has recesses in which the stepping motors are fitted,which are pressed with a pressure element in the forearm cover by means of an accurate screw fit (35) in the downstream part and in the narrower part of the forearm (1). The hand cover is mounted by careful fitting with screws (32) to the hand body (2). Forward arm body (1) with hand body (2) joined together by adjusting-mounting ball tapping (3),where the ball-screw adjusting-assembly (3) together with the wrist-retractors (25 and 26) and the elastomers 23 and the stiffeners (24) constitute the wrist of the hand-prosthesis and the ball (3.2) of the ball-clamping adjusting ball-assembly (3) is mounted to the hole in the mounting element and is blocked by the ball-pressure cover (16),and the fixing-adjusting sphincter (3) is fixed in the screw hole of the narrower part of the forearm body (1),In addition, it is a central element of the wrist that joins the body of the hand (2) with the body of the forearm (1) and has a positive angle that regulates the distance of the hand from the forearm, the tension of the retractor (25 and 26) and the elastomers (23) and the stiffeners (24).Przedmiotem zgłoszenia jest modułowa proteza ręki, umożliwiająca chwytanie przedmiotów o dowolnym kształcie, mająca zastosowanie w protetyce. Modułowa proteza ręki składa się z korpusu przedramienia (1) z pokrywą przedramienia oraz korpusu dłoni (2) z pokrywą dłoni kciukiem zbudowanym z dwóch paliczków (12) i koniuszka (13) oraz czterema palcami (35) zbudowanymi z czterech paliczków (12) i koniuszka (13). Korpus przedramienia (1) posiada wnęki, w których umie