The Zhi liter Jiang structures of this Chong Zuo Department You Off Yu mono- Seed Wheels chairs, what Zhu Jia Body Pivot are connected to the front ends chair Jia Body, another what chair Jia Body Hous end Pivot is connected to Yi Bei Jia Body, the Ge Let You Shaft Rod of what Zhu Jia Body and Yi Bei Jia Body again, and the bis- Ge Let of Side of Yu bis- Shaft Rod have Zhi Brace Rod Pivot contact pin, And Yu bis- Shaft Rod are secondly each Pivot of Side Zhi Brace Rod Pivot Jie Pian Inter are connected to Zhi Brace Rod, Complex whats Zhu Jia Body and chair Jia Body Inter Pivot are connected to lifting Move power source, thereby Jane Bian structures, except can be in addition to substantially Festival Sheng System cause this Ji Group Installed Gong Time, more utilize the first of what Zhu Jia Body and Yi Bei Jia Body, bis- Shaft Rod are He the two Zhi Brace Rod of Qi Inter of Group Jie are formed Twin Shake Rod Machine Agencies, Geng Jin mono- Bu Da Dao Indeed Bao Auxiliary help the Steady in users what standing Deng Over journeys fixed, safety person.本創作係有關於一種輪椅之直立升降結構,於主架體樞接有椅坐架體前端,另於椅坐架體後端樞接有椅背架體,又於主架體及椅背架體各設有軸桿,且於二軸桿二側各設有支撐桿樞接片,並於二軸桿其二側支撐桿樞接片間各樞接有支撐桿,復於主架體及椅坐架體間樞接有升降動力源,藉此簡便結構,除可大幅節省製造成本及組裝工時外,更利用於主架體及椅背架體之第一、第二軸桿和組接其間的二支撐桿所形成的雙搖桿機構,更進一步達到確保輔助使用者於站立等過程中的穩定、安全性者。