1. A preparation containing a combination of composition (a) containing amino acids consisting of citrulline and ornithine hydrochloride and / or their derivatives, and composition (b) containing a mixture of ginseng or ginseng extract, ginkgo biloba leaf extract and silibinin extract, optionally, with suitable filler. 2. The drug according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition (a) containing amino acids, contains citrulline and ornithine hydrochloride and / or their derivatives in a weight ratio of from 0.1 percent to 99 percent: from 99 percent to 0.1 percent, respectively. 3. The preparation according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition (b) contains ginseng or ginseng extract, ginkgo biloba leaf extract and silibinin extract in a weight ratio of from 0.01 percent to 99 percent, from 0.01 percent to 99 percent and from 0.01 percent to 99 percent, respectively. 4. The drug according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition (a) containing amino acids, contains additional amino acids selected from arginine, ornithine, threonine, tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan and / or their derivatives. The drug according to claim 4, characterized in that the mass ratio of these additional amino acids and composition (a) containing amino acids consisting of citrulline and ornithine hydrochloride and / or their derivatives is from 0.0001 percent to 50 percent: from 99.9999 percent to 50 percent, respectively. 6. The preparation according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition (b) further comprises plant extracts selected from an extract of common dereza fruits and tea polyphenols. The drug according to claim 6, characterized in that the mass ratio of the mixture of ginseng or extra1. Препарат, содержащий комбинацию композиции (а), содержащей аминокислоты, состоящие из цитруллина и орнитина гидрохлорида и/или их производных, и композиции (b), содержащей смесь женьшеня или экстракта женьшеня, экстракта листьев гинкго двулопастного и экстр