The instrument relating to this invention, the substance (1) and the grip handle (1c) and it has the operating member (4) to be form of the pistol which, the substance (1) the barrel which accommodates the thread (3), the projection aim hollow rod which it possesses in that free end to have (2) in coaxial condition, this rod (2), the operating member (4) the origin of action, to be connected by the expedient which makes the operation of thread discharge expedient (13) in order the barrel (3) to form turn in the exit possible, the barrel (3) the translational fixed axle (5) to be provided in the end, at the same time, the rod (2) insideWe are inserted, at the same time, the axis (5) other things the edge operates, in order discharge expedient and to face, when in order to arrange the other thread, release doing the operating member (4), with the barrel (3) expedient in order to turn that partly mutually.本発明に係る器具は、本体(1)と、グリップハンドル(1c)と、操作部材(4)とを備えたピストルの形態であり、本体(1)は、糸を収容するバレル(3)を、その自由端部に有する突出照準中空ロッド(2)を同軸状に有し、このロッド(2)は、操作部材(4)の作用のもと、バレル(3)の出口にターンを形成するための糸放出手段(13)の動作を可能とする手段に接続されており、バレル(3)は、並進固定軸(5)の端部に設けられており、かつ、ロッド(2)内に挿入されており、かつ、軸(5)の他端は、放出手段と向き合うように他方の糸を配置するために、操作部材(4)をリリースしたとき、バレル(3)と共にそれを部分的に回転させるための手段と相互作用する。