Салаутин Владимир Васильевич (RU),Анников Вячеслав Васильевич (RU),Катков Николай Васильевич (RU)
The invention relates to a veterinary surgery and is intended to close a deep gaping wound. The device comprises jaws mounted on the straight spokes which are fixed to each other and pinion drives with the slots. The socket installed crossbeam rotatably relative to the socket. The actuator is rigidly fixed to the base plate. Transverse beam has a possibility of fixing a removable indicator, configured to capture function in the form of spring-loaded struts. On the outer surface of the spring-strut facing to the extension, a protrusion having a capability of interaction with an extension, at the free end of which a probe is placed. Each drive in the opposite, having a conical shape nests mounted interconnected axial crosspiece transverse beams, each of which is provided with a guide bore which accommodates straight borehole. Spoke is movable in a guide bore with perforations sharp end of the spokes of the support plate and its approximation to the sharp end of the olive probe and abutment jaws in the transverse beam. Extension is connected with the protrusion by means of a spring-loaded rack locking protrusion hole. The longitudinal extension axis directed transverse to the rotation axis beam. The guide ridge on the inner surface of each spring-strut is aligned with the axial recess of the transverse beams. On the rail is fixedly mounted one of the actuators is movable along the rails 3 of the second drive, on which a loop having contact with a rough surface slats.Полезная модель относится к ветеринарной хирургии и предназначена для закрытия глубокой зияющей раны. Устройство содержит установленные на браншах прямые спицы, которые зафиксированы между собой рейкой и приводами с гнездами. В гнезде установлена поперечная балка с возможностью ее вращения относительно гнезда. Привод жестко закреплен на опорной пластине. Поперечная балка имеет возможность закрепления в съемном поворотнике, выполненном с функцией захвата в виде подпружиненных стоек. На наружной поверхности п