PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a lap robe including a hot-water bottle for eliminating a chill on the whole lower half body of a user since a conventional lap robe cannot warm the lower legs from under the knees to the toes though a chill in the abdomen or in the thigh can be eliminated when the lap robe is used in a cold season.SOLUTION: In the lap robe including the hot-water bottle, a cushion into which the hot-water bottle is inserted is attached with a zipper to a hem of the lap robe.【課題】寒い時期にひざかけを用いた場合、腹部や太ももの冷えは解消出来るが、ひざ下から足先は暖めることが出来ず、下半身全体の冷えの解消は出来なかった。本発明は下半身全体の冷えを解消するための湯タンポ入りひざかけを提供する。【解決手段】ひざかけの裾部分に湯タンポを挿入したクッションをファスナーで取り付けた湯タンポ入りひざかけ。【選択図】図3