РИЧЧИ Джон Л. (US),КЛАРК Элизабет (US),КОЭЛЬО Пауло (US),РЕКОВ Элизабет Дайанн (US),ТОМПСОН Ван П. (US),СМАЙ Джеймс (US)
1. A device or for tissue repair scaffold having a porous bone ingrowth structure comprising interconnected stratum surrounded microporous obolochkoy.2. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, wherein the microporous envelope expands as a guide for stabilizing the device or scaffold for tissue repair between one or more ends kosti.3. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, having a center formed by a hollow prostranstvom.4. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, wherein the porous ingrowth structure is impregnated with a soluble excipient or nositelem.5. A device or scaffold for tissue repair of claim. 4, wherein the soluble excipient or carrier is kaltsiya.6 sulfate. A device or scaffold for tissue repair of claim. 4, wherein the soluble filler or carrier is impregnated with one or more of an antibiotic, a growth factor, differentiation factor, cytokine, drug or kombinatsii.7. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, wherein the striations have a diameter of about 100-350 mkm.8. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, wherein the striations are approximately double or substantially the same diameter as bone trabekula.9. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, wherein the one or more striations longitudinally separated by a space of at least 500 mkm.10. A device or scaffold for tissue repair according to Claim. 1, being porous and having mesopores with diameter size, generally greater than about 20 mkm.11. A device or scaffold for RECOVER1. Устройство или скаффолд для восстановления тканей, имеющее пористую конструкцию врастания кости, содержащую взаимосвязанные страты, окруженные микропористой оболочкой.2. Устройство или скаффолд для восстановления тканей по п. 1, в котором микропористая оболочка расширяется в виде направляющей для стабилизации устройства или скаффолда для восстановления тканей между одним или более концами кости.3. Ус