The cultivator comprises a frame wich is formed from a central section, to which on both sides is pivotally attached adjacent sections, to which is also pivotally connected the extreme sections, and what is more the adjacent and extreme sections are equipped with hydraulic cylinders for the transfer to the transport position, to the front part of the central section a bar is pivotally attached and equipped with screw mechanism to rotate around the hinge and to its rear part a freight truck with support wheels is pivotally attached and equipped with the rotating cylinder. Clutches and the front and rear dual drills are connected to the frame. The length of the sections of the front drills is equal to the width of the corresponding frame sections, and the front drills are screw plate and the rear are screw tube. To each frame sections the frames on the parallelogram suspensions are attached by hinges, and on this frames the rack with cluthes are fixed, and the each frame is equipped with a screw mechanism for fine adjustment of soil loosening depth and clutches risers are fixed in the bracket with rectangular holes on the axles, in the front and in the back are equipped by bolts with locknuts for adjusting the horizontal position of the clutches cutting edges. To the front end of the bar a yoke is fixed by a vertical hinge for connection with the longitudinal rods of the mounted tractor system. Lead angle clutch working surface which is measured in a vertical parallel to the direction of movement plane does not exceed 15°. The sections of the dual rear drills rear row are offset from the front row on the drill diameter value and drill is equipped with a tractor track desintegrant.Культиватор содержит раму, выполненную из центральной секции, к которой с обеих сторон шарнирно присоединены смежные секции, с которыми также шарнирно соединены крайние секции, причем смежные и крайне секции оборудованы гидроцилиндрами для перевода в транспортное положение, к передней части ц