Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Казанский государственный энергетический университет" (ФГБОУ ВПО "КГЭУ") (RU)
Черных Владимир Тимофеевич (RU),Нуруллин Риннат Галеевич (RU)
1. A method of treating skin diseases, of subjecting the surface of the skin intense laser radiation formed remotely prone focusing a laser beam, characterized in that the affected area of the skin affected by time discrete coherent optical radiation, formed by a laser device for selectively phototherapy, wherein the length of the optical radiation is selected in the range from 300 nm to 1020 nm and a discrete optical radiation in the form of pulses is formed in a wide range intensity amplitudes zone with the laser radiation flux density ranging from 0.5 x 10 W / cc to 2.0 x 10 W / cm, which is used defocussed beam or focused beam, the intensity of the radiation intensity is formed by zones I, Ii I, determined by the order -2 diffraction -1 0 1 and 2, wherein the correlation is kept I> I> I, and the pulse duration is selected within the range of 0.3 ns to 30 ns, depending on the severity of skin lesions pokrovov.2. A method for treating skin diseases according to claim 1, characterized in that on the first day on the area affected by the irradiation of optical radiation in the form of a single pulse test with a soft mode of the laser intensity, namely defocused beam to "-2" order diffraction zone or "+ 2 "with the intensity I, and, if not noticed a negative impact on the second day to the area affected by exposure to optical radiation in the form of a test of a single pulse mode with an average of the laser intensity, namely pa a focused beam in the diffraction orders "-1" zone or "+1" with the intensity I, hereinafter, unless of1. Способ лечения кожных заболеваний, заключающийся в воздействии на поверхность кожи высокоинтенсивным лазерным излучением, формируемым дистанционно подверженным фокусировке лучом лазера, отличающийся тем, что на пораженную область кожного покрова воздействуют дискретным по времени когерентным оптическим излучением, формируемым лазерным устройством для селективной фототерапии, при этом длину волны оптического излучения выбирают в пределах