FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to therapy and pulmonology, and can be used for auscultative diagnostics of pneumonia. For this purpose zone of clear lung sound and zone of lung sound dullness are approximately determined by means of comparative lung percussion. Upward indent equal to four intercostal spaces is made from the boundary of transition of clear lung sound into dullness and first head of stereostethophonendoscope is installed. Second head of stereostethophonendoscope is installed one intercoastal space lower than the first one. Patient is asked to make two deep inhalations. After that, second head of stereostethophonendoscope is successively moved one intercostals space lower on examined topographic line until bronchial respiration and fine wet rales are heard. Boundary of said transition is fixed. After that second head of stereostethophonendoscope is moved lower until bronchial respiration and rales disappear. Lower boundary of affection zone is fixed. In the process of second head movement first head of stereostethophonendoscope constantly remains in one point. In each following point, corresponding to position of second head of stereostethophonendoscope, respiration is auscultated over two deep inhalations.EFFECT: method ensures early identification of disease until vivid auscultative picture and changes on X-ray image appear, determination of precise localisation of pathological process, as well as reduction of diagnostics time.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к терапии и пульмонологии, и может быть использовано для аускультативной диагностики пневмонии. Для этого при помощи сравнительной перкуссии легких ориентировочно определяют зону ясного легочного звука и зону притупления легочного звука. От границы перехода ясного легочного звука в притупление отступают четыре межреберья наверх и устанавливают первую головку стереостетофонендоскопа. Вторую головку стереостетофонендоскопа устанавливают на одно межре