A paraffinic spray oil and a method of using the spray oil for controlling turfgrass pests is disclosed. The spray oil comprises paraffinic oil and a quick break emulsifier, which is formulated as an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion for use. The paraffinic oil and emulsifier are present in a weight ratio ranging from about 95:5 to about 99.95:0.05, and preferably from about 98.5:1.5 to about 99.9:0.1. When applied to turfgrass, the O/W emulsion quickly releases the oil phase upon application to the turfgrass to contact pests thereon. When provided at sufficient paraffinic oil dosages, generally at least about 0.5 gal oil/acre and preferably in the range of about 0.5 gal/acre to about 60 gal/acre, the spray oil is effective in controlling a variety of turfgrass pests, particularly insect and fungal pests, with little or no phytotoxic effects. Further, use of the spray oil as indicated for controlling turfgrass pests also enhances the growth of turfgrass.