Костава Вахтанг Тенгизович (RU),Бакулева Наталия Петровна (RU),Зеливянская Марина Викторовна (RU),Мироненко Владимир Александрович (RU),Гусманов Дамир Спартакович (RU)
The invention relates to medicine, namely to the cardiovascular surgery and can be used for restoring the function of the tricuspid valve (TC) of the heart.The technical result of the present utility model is to reduce the time for modeling the patch during recovery TC flap and, consequently, reduce the time of aortic clamping and total time of cardiopulmonary bypass and improvement of the closing of the valve function, which is achieved in that kseoperikardialnaya patch is made of solid plates ksenoperikarda with the upper part - a head having an arcuate top edge and bottom part in the form of three supporting strips in the upper portion of the head on the edge are arranged not less than three crosswise continuous split seam, and the width of the top of the patch - the head of - 52 ± 2 mm, the patch length - 95 ± 3 mm, the width of the support strips - 7 ± 2 mm, the distance between the supporting strips - 7 ± 2 mm, overall width three strips with gaps - 35 ± 3 mm, the length of the support strips - 55 ± 4 mm, head length xenopericardial patches - 40 ± 3 mm, the arc radius of the head - 26 ± 2 mm.Using xenopericardial patches with the supporting strips as a single-piece construction instead of a separate cutting out part of the sash plate xenopericardial patches and the use of polytetrafluoroethylene filaments as chords possible to reduce the recovery time functions anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve, in addition, the presence of two cruciform continuous separate seam at the top part of the closing head has improved valve function.Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к сердечнососудистой хирургии и может быть использована при восстановлении функции трикуспидального клапана (ТК) сердца.Техническим результатом данной полезной модели является сокращение времени при моделировании заплаты во время восстановления створки ТК, и, как следствие, сокращение времени пережатия аорты и общего времени искусственного кровообращения и улучшение замыкательной функции