Milk, curd & (honey + lemon juice) are pro biotic balanced whole foods, which yield instant energy by lemon – catalysis, followed by a slower digestion process (spread over a span of 8 – 12 Hrs.), to replenish the depleted energy reserves of the body, with the help of metabolic route – maps, released from brain & communicated to the body through nerves, using pulse frequency code. (NaCl or baking soda, NaHCo3 is necessary to conduct these electro chemical messages). The whole process [similar to the biphasic action of (slow : fast) decay components (30:70) of human mixtard] is carried out by mitochondria (power houses) of brain cells, which improve co-ordination between hypothalamic centers to convert bad bacteria of gastro – intestinal tract, to good bacteria. (Heavenly Allah’s earthly messenger, Mohammed converted kafirs to followers of God. The preachings of Christ & Krishna were also aimed at the same goal, which link mythology i.e. philosophy of brain origin to physiology of real world). A lot of prior brain work is necessary to execute plans (spread over a span of 5 – 10 years in real world). Following this universal phenomenon, brain plans & body executes the bio process to heal and remove water in a week, from foot – swelling caused by ankle – sprain. The enclosed sheet (matlab-graph analogy of brain maps) finds an application in sprain-medicine, as detailed in specification. These curves can also be imagined to represent (Chicory : Caffeine = 30 : 70 ), SHAKTHI category of COFFEE DAY, as well as (anti biotic + pro biotic = 30 + 70 ) nutritional therapy to control diabetes.