A wearable device is worn on a user and has a reference point. The wearable device includes a flexible connecting component module, a strain gauge module, a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) module and a processing unit. The flexible connecting component module having thereon a plurality of contact pads contacts a plurality of skin positions of a user. The strain gauge is arranged to the flexible connecting component module for measuring a deformation thereof, and outputs a first signal in response to the deformation. The GSR module is arranged to the plurality of contact pads for measure a plurality of resistances among the reference point and the plurality of skin positions, and outputs a second signal in response to the plurality of resistances. The processing unit generates a heartbeat rate compensation value to compensate a heartbeat rate reading in response to the first signal and the second signal.一種穿戴裝置,配戴於一使用者,並具有一參考點。該穿戴裝置包含一鋸齒狀凹槽模組、一彈性連接構件模組、一應變規模組、一皮膚電阻感測器模組、以及一處理單元。該彈性連接構件模組有複數接觸墊接觸該使用者之複數皮膚位置。該應變規模組配置於彈性連接構件模組上,以量測該彈性連接構件模組的一變形量,並因應該變形量而輸出一第一訊號。該皮膚電阻感測器(GSR)模組配置於該等接觸墊上,以分別量測該參考點與該複數皮膚位置之間的複數電阻,並因應該複數電阻而輸出一第二訊號。該處理單元因應該第一訊號及該第二訊號而產生一心率補償值來補償該穿戴裝置的一心率讀值。201,201’‧‧‧縛緊帶202,202’‧‧‧彈性連接構件203,203’‧‧‧鋸齒狀凹槽204,204’‧‧‧凹槽側壁205,205’‧‧‧接觸墊206‧‧‧安裝座SG1,SG2,SG3‧‧‧應變規SGn‧‧‧應變規模組20‧‧‧穿戴裝置LP‧‧‧光路Acc‧‧‧加速度計GSRn‧‧‧電阻皮膚感測器模組Gyro‧‧‧陀螺儀212‧‧‧光接收器21‧‧‧心率計213‧‧‧光發射器GSR0,GSR1,GSR2,GSR3‧‧‧皮膚電阻感應器22‧‧‧偵測模組