Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Казанский государственный аграрный университет" (ФГБОУ ВПО Казанский ГАУ) (RU)
1.Sposob formation of air-permeable ridges between the rows of row crops comprising cropping soil, its partial lifting and crumbling, wherein the loosened soil is moved above the lower trellis dump, separated (sieved) at its sieve located between the legs and lower wings continuous edges of the wings of the upper blade, raise upper air-permeable portion of the soil by means of the upper chest and the blade wing, and the ground simultaneously rotated in the direction of the rows of plants on the angle of inclination of 90 ° ... 120 ° and scoops thereto to form ridges partially loosened and aligned wall furrow with adjustable height bar-shaped wings, arranged on the lateral edges of the upper blade or discs and simultaneously raise the ground with continued formation of air-permeable ridges and cutting off the roots and stems of weeds plants on side surfaces of the ridges, their soil being poured in the protective zone, the separated direct-erosive dangerous portion of the soil at the bottom borozdy.2. Work hiller body to form air-permeable ridges in mezhduryadyah row crops comprising rack paw, lower and upper blades and Semifinished wings, characterized in that the lower blade is configured latticed, situated between the leg, chest and the bottom edge of the upper blade and rigidly secured to them, wherein the upper blade is equipped with bar-shaped wings, the free ends of which are made in the form of the wing, and the other ends are rigidly fixed plate and mounted on the back side (edge) of the upper blade with the possibility of regulation Bani their position along the groove, radial1.Способ образования воздухо-водопроницаемых гребней в междурядьях пропашных культур, включающий подрезание почвы, ее частичный подъем и крошение, отличающийся тем, что разрыхленную почву перемещают выше по нижнему решетчатому отвалу, сепарируют (просеивают) на его решете, находящегося между крыльями лапы и нижними кромками сплошных крыльев верхнего отвала, поднимают верх воздухо-водоп