1. The ECG monitoring system to identify "guilty" coronary artery associated with an acute myocardial infarction comprising: a plurality of electrodes arranged to receive electrical activity of the heart from different vantage points relative to the heart, the plurality of electrodes includes an extended exhaust in addition to standard derivations ECG obtaining module, connected to electrodes adapted to issue enhanced electrode signals ECG processor responsive to the signal s electrodes and adapted to combine the signals of the electrodes to output a plurality of signal leads, measuring the electrical activity of the heart from different vantage points, wherein the ECG processor is further configured to detect ST recovery in lead signals graphical display responsive to the detected lifting ST, which graphically displays ST lifting anatomical data relative to the positions of leads, wherein data rises from different leads are at positions not impose REGARD each other, and wherein the graphical display indicates the identity of suspected "guilty" coronary artery or branch associated with an acute ischemic zabolevaniem.2. ECG monitoring system of claim 1, wherein the ECG processor is responsive to a plurality of chest electrodes signals to output ST lift data and use the data for issuing graphics for breast, oriented horizontally with respect to the anatomy of a subject, wherein the chest graphic for indicating occlusion of one or more of the coronary arteries LCx, RCA and LAD.3. System1. Система ЭКГ-мониторинга для идентификации «виновной» коронарной артерии, ассоциированной с острым инфарктом миокарда, включающая в себя:множество электродов, выполненных с возможностью получения электрической активности сердца с различных точек наблюдения относительно сердца, при этом множество электродов включает в себя расширенные отведения в дополнение к стандартным отведенияммодуль получения ЭКГ, соединенный с электродами, выполненными с возможностью выдачи усиленных сигналов элек