The invention relates to a device for teaching the nerve conduction study which is meant to be used for teaching purposes by the specialized medical personnel, such as neurophysiologists, clinicians, neurologists, psychiatrists and medical recovery physicians, the nerve conduction study being a commonly used medical diagnostic test based on the evaluation of the function of peripheral nerves, in particular the ability of electrical conduction of both motor and sensory nerves. According to the invention, the device consists of a lower limb mould () and an upper limb mould () at a size 1:1 which anatomically partially reproduce a lower or upper limb, which can be made of materials of adequate elasticity, similar to human tissue, each said mould () having inside a bunch of electrical conductors () having an insulating layer () and being positioned identical with the peripheral nerves, the electrical conductors () being connected to a power source () and to a rheostat () in order for them to exhibit variable resistances and to mimic various affections, in various combinations, the electric circuit being also provided with a switch () for the off-on position of each electric circuit, depending on the mould () employed in testing and teaching the nerve conduction study.Invenţia se referă la un dispozitiv pentru învăţarea studiului conducerii nervoase, care este destinat utilizării în scop didactic, de către personalul medical specializat, neurofiziologi, clinici, neurologi, psihiatri şi medici de recuperare medicală, studiul conducerii nervoase fiind un test uzual, destinat stabilirii unui diagnostic medical ce are la bază evaluarea funcţiei nervilor periferici, în special capacitatea lor de conducere electrică, evaluare atât a nervilor motorii, cât şi a celor senzitivi. Dispozitivul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un mulaj () de membru inferior şi un mulaj () de membru superior, la dimensiuni 1:1, ce reproduc parţial, din punct de vedere anatomic, un membru inferio