A group of phytochemical compounds extracted from whole germinated or notgerminated black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) and/or their dry milledfractions such as seed coats or hulls and cotyledons is described. Thesephytochemicals are classified as phenolics, such as polyphenols, flavonoids,coumarins, and tannins, triterpenes such as saponins, phytosterols and otherantioxidant compounds that proved to be effective to decrease cancerproliferation of hormone dependent mammary (MCF-7), hormone independenthepatic (HepG2) and colon (Caco2) cancer cells. They also effectively protectagainst chemical damage induced with DMBA and furthermore prevented cancerinduced by this chemical in Wistar rats and also reduced tumor size whenconsumed after tumor detection. Methanol, acetone, ethanol, water and mixturesof these solvents were used to obtain the extracts from raw, cooked, andgerminated black beans of different varieties, both from the whole grain andthe hulls. The black bean malting process produced extracts rich in aglyconeforms of the previous mentioned compounds that were more biologically activeagainst MCF-7 cancer cell proliferation. Both raw extracts, C-18 HPLC refinedextracts and fractionated extracts may be used in the treatment, prophylaxis,amelioration or defense against a variety of hormone dependent and independentcancers. The extracts and compounds have additional utilities, e.g., lowercholesterol or lower oxidation of LDL and/or inhibit cholesterol synthesis (orthe enzyme therefor) and/or reduce liver fibrosis and/or reduce symptoms ofmenopause and/or stimulate calcium absorption and/or have estrogenic activitysuch as feminizing estrogenic activity and/or are antioxidants, for instance,as an active ingredient in a nutritional supplement and/or as a food, cosmeticor pharmaceutical antioxidants or colorants.