A kind of turn-over mattress is suitable for being arranged on a bed board, and includes one first mattress, one second mattress and an inflation/deflation control unit. First mattress is arranged on the what bed board, and includes the second layering air bag on a first layer air bag and a setting what first layer air bag. Second mattress is arranged on what first mattress, and includes that an ontology and two set up the first and second balloonet of the what ontology two sides separately, which is lain down for one by caregiver. First and second balloonet of the first and second layering air bag and second mattress of the inflation/deflation control unit and first mattress connects, to control the inflated condition of first and second mattress.一種翻身床墊,適用於設置在一床板上,並包含一第一床墊、一第二床墊,及一充放氣控制單元。該第一床墊設置於該床板上,並包括有一第一分層氣囊,及一設置於第一分層氣囊上之第二分層氣囊。該第二床墊設置於該第一床墊上,並包括有一本體,及二分設於該本體兩側之第一、二副氣囊,該本體可供一受照護者躺臥。該充放氣控制單元與該第一床墊之第一、二分層氣囊,以及該第二床墊之第一、二副氣囊連接,用以控制該第一、二床墊之充氣狀態。