The invention relates to a method for changing orchid flower color, comprising the steps of: providing a containing space at a flower stalk of a plant providing a solid dye sized less than the diameter of the flower stalk and watering the plant before or after using a suction device to place the solid dye in the containing space to facilitate dissolution and absorption of the solid dye for the plant. Accordingly, petal color of the plant can be quickly and homogenously changed with rich, colorful and gorgeous aspects, capable of attaining various, multifarious and easily-achieved coloured effects.本發明係有關一種改變蘭花花色的方法,其步驟係先將一植株之花梗處製造一容納空間,並提供一小於該花梗直徑之固態染劑,進而利用一吸取器將該固態染劑置入該容納空間內,在置入前或置入後對該植株供應水分,以利該固態染劑溶解與吸附;藉此,該植株可快速均勻的改變花瓣顏色,使花瓣色彩豐富豔麗,進而達到變化萬千且極為便利的染色效果。S1...第一步驟S2...第二步驟