To provide a working hood width capable of surely preventing burns on the face and small cutting wounds.SOLUTION: A headgear main body 1 for covering a head portion and a neck portion and a face guard 2 provided on a crown main body 1 are provided, the headband main body 1 has an opening portion 3 through which a face looks, and the face guard 2 includes a head width main body 1 , And is characterized in that it covers a portion excluding the periphery of the eyes and around the nose and the mouth.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION【課題】 顔面のやけどや細かな切創等を確実に防止できる作業用頭巾の提供。【解決手段】 頭部及び首部を覆う頭巾本体1と、頭巾本体1に設けたフェイスガード2を備え、頭巾本体1は、顔が覗く開口部3を有し、フェイスガード2は、頭巾本体1の開口部3の左右両側にまたがって設けてあり、目の周りと鼻及び口の周りを除いた部分を覆うことを特徴とする。【選択図】 図1