Vegetable Fat Structured compositions, Process for obtaining such a structured Composition of Fat, use of the structured Composition of FATS in the preparation of a Cosmetic Composition and Cosmetic composition, Product composition comprising the structured FATS
Vegetable Fat Structured compositions, Process for obtaining such a structured Composition of Fat, use of the structured Composition of FATS in the preparation of a Cosmetic Composition and Cosmetic composition, Product composition comprising the structured FATSCOMPOSICION ESTRUCTURADA DE GRASA VEGETAL QUE COMPRENDE DE 1 A 15 EN PESO DE UN EMULSIONANTE QUE DERIVA DE ACEITES VEGETALES TOTALMENTE HIDROGENADO CON 52-100 DE MONOACILGLICEROL, AL MENOS UN ACEITE VEGETAL REFINADO, Y CON UN MÁXIMO DE 2 DE ÁCIDOS GRASOS TRANS, UN CONTENIDO DE ÁCIDOS GRASOS SATURADOS INFERIOR O IGUAL A 45 EN PESO PROCESO DE ELABORACIÓN USOS