Active PKR compounds for the treatment of diseases and disorders associated with PKR and/or PKM2. Claim 1: A formula compound (1),Or a drug-acceptable saltThere, it's a link.- (Cr.8309;), 834848; -,- 83099 (Cr.8309; - R83090909'); 8348; - U-O-;Each R1,R1',R and R'are independent H.- Apartment No. 83318326, C832183,- Alquenilo C83228331-832626;- Asphalt C83228331832626;- Cyoquilo C83223 degrees 83318328;Cyoquenio C83248C83318328;cumeneArilo,HeterosexualsHalogen.- um.- Or83099,- SR83099;- No. 8322;- No. 8309; No. 83099 ";- S(O) 8322; (R83099,- S (O) 8322; - 8309; - R83099';- S(o) R83099,- S (O) 8309; R8309';- 8309;]- 8309; s (o) R8309';- C(O) R8309O-C(O) Or83099;Every man JackAlquenilo,Blue Nile StateBicycle.Ring nailcumeneArilo or heterosexual alternatives can be replaced by one or more alternatives selected from the Oxo class.Halogen.- um.- R83099,- Or83099,- SR83099;- No. 8322;- No. 8309; No. 83099 ";- S(O) 8322; (R83099,- S (O) 8322; - 8309; - R83099';- S(o) R83099,- S (O) 8309; R8309';- 8309;]- 8309; s (o) R8309';- C(O) R8309Y-C(O) Or83099;Or R1 and R1',Or R and R',Together with the atoms they come into contact with,It can be combined into a C832323833183288A ring.HeterosexualitySpirulina spp. E. C8325C83318328E or 5 to 8 members;Or R1 and R2,Together with the atoms they come into contact with,A. Can be merged into one to eight members;R3 is independent - H,- Apartment No. 83318326, C832183,- Alquenilo C83228331-832626;- Asphalt C83228331832626;- Cyoquilo C83223 degrees 83318328;- Cyclolquenilo C832483318328;cumeneArilo,Heterosexuals- S(O) 8322; (R83099,- S (O) 8322; - 8309; - R83099';- S(o) R83099,- S (O) 8309; R8309';- C(O) R8309O-C(O) Or83099;Every man JackAlquenilo,Blue Nile StateBicycle.Ring nailcumeneArilo or heterosexual alternatives can be replaced by one or more alternatives selected from the Oxo class.Halogen.- um.- R83099,- Or83099,- SR83099;- No. 8322;- No. 8309; No. 83099 ";- S(O) 8322; (R83099,- S (O) 8322; - 8309; - R83099';- S(o) R83099,- S (O) 83