Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Томский национальный исследовательский медицинский центр" Российской академии наук ("Томский НИМЦ") (RU)
Красавина Елена Александровна (RU),Балацкая Лидия Николаевна (RU),Чойнзонов Евгений Лхамацыренович (RU),Кульбакин Денис Евгеньевич (RU),Мухамедов Марат Рафкатович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, concerns the restoration of the voice function of patients with laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal cancer after subtotal laryngectomy and the formation of a tracheae-pharyngeal shunt. Set of measures is proposed, including rational psychotherapy, talks, a story about the possibility of voice rehabilitation, showing a video recording of a patient who speaks well after the operation, physical therapy, breathing exercises aimed at forming a powerful forced exhalation by the patient, with the direction of airflow from the lungs through the remaining part of the larynx and the trachea-pharyngeal shunt into the pharynx and oral cavity. Breathing exercises are performed in a sitting or lying position, controlling the movements of the diaphragm. To do this, put your hand on your chest, put the other hand on your stomach, raise your abdomen when inhaling. Lower abdomen when exhaling, the thorax is motionless. Each exercise is performed 5 times in a row, the complex – 2–3 times a day. First breathing exercise: inhalation is short, vigorous - exhalation is long, smooth, with a single stream. Second: inhalation is short, exhalation is forced, fast. Third: inhalation is short, vigorous - exhalation with resistance, closing the tracheostoma. Fourth: inhalation with resistance, closing the tracheostoma - exhalation is long, smooth, with a single stream. Fifth: inhalation is short, vigorous, noiseless - exhalation with short pushes. Next, the patient is taught to produce a voice: in the sitting position, slightly tilting the head forward and down, take a deep breath, tightly close the tracheostoma hole with a napkin, make a strong exhalation, try to say a short word, prolonging the vowel. Perform 2–3 times, then break for 1–1.5 minutes, the patient breathes quietly, restoring breathing. Repeat 8–9 times in one session. Once the patient has learned to produce a voice, improve the quality of the voi