Injectable co-crosslinked cohesive gel, comprising at least a first highly crosslinked polysaccharide gel having a crosslinking index X1 'between 0.21 and 0.9 in the form of particles homogeneously distributed in at least a second lightly polysaccharide gel cross-linked, which has a cross-linking index X2 comprised between 0.03 and 0.3, said at least first gel being joined by means of covalent bonds to said at least second gel, the cross-linking index of said highly cross-linked polysaccharide being higher than the index of crosslinking said lightly crosslinked polysaccharide, wherein: - said highly crosslinked polysaccharide and said lightly crosslinked polysaccharide are selected from hyaluronic acid or one of its salts, chondroitin sulfate or one of its salts and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and at least one of said polysaccharides is hyaluronic acid or one of its salts, - reticu indices being defined lation X1 'and X2 as equal to the ratio: ** Formula ** - the first highly crosslinked gel is in the form of particles distributed homogeneously in the second gel; - said highly crosslinked polysaccharide particles covalently bind to the slightly crosslinked polysaccharide; - the proportion by weight of said highly crosslinked polysaccharide particles have a crosslinking index X1 'between 0.21 and 0.9, is comprised between 0.5 to 99%; - the size of said particles is between 10 μm and 5 mm.Gel cohesivo co-reticulado inyectable, que comprende al menos un primer gel de polisacárido altamente reticulado que posee un índice de reticulación X1' comprendido entre 0,21 y 0,9 en forma de partículas distribuidas homogéneamente en al menos un segundo gel de polisacárido ligeramente reticulado, que posee un índice de reticulación X2 comprendido entre 0,03 y 0,3, uniéndose dicho al menos primer gel por medio de enlaces covalentes a dicho al menos segundo gel, siendo el índice de reticulación de dicho polisacárido altamente reticulado superior al índice de reticulación de dicho p