Способ адаптационной подготовки российских спортсменов олимпийских зимних видов спорта к соревнованиям в новых климатогеографических условиях Восточной Азии
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Federalnyj nauchnyj tsentr fizicheskoj kultury i sporta"
Yashina Elena Romanovna,Яшина Елена Романовна,Grushin Aleksandr Alekseevich,Грушин Александр Алексеевич,Golovachev Aleksandr Ivanovich,Головачев Александр Иванович,Abramova Tamara Fedorovna,Абрамова Т
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to sports medicine, restorative and preventive medicine, pedagogical control in sports and can be used to most effectively enhance the adaptive capabilities of Russian athletes of the Olympic winter sports to the altered chronobiological and climatogeographic factors caused by long-distance transmedial flight to East Asia. In order to improve the adaptation of Russian skiers to the new climatogeographic factors in East Asia, daily load testing is used for unsustainable muscular activity, using as an index of control the unlimited load: work at a capacity of 1,440 kg/min – for men work at a capacity of 1,200 kgm/min – for women achievement of peak values of oxygen consumption per kg of weight and peak lactate power during training heart rate in the power range from 480 to 960 kgm/min as an indicator of the influence of the acclimatization factor and in the range from 1,200 to 1,440 kgm/min as an indicator of the training factor itself. At the same time, the functional state of the athletes body is monitored, determining the initial functional state – before air travel, and then daily – according to the degree of change compared to the initial one. Determine the values of the following set of athlete indicators: the parameters of the mechanisms of regulation of the cardiovascular system: the response of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) to orthostasis, pulse BP, indicators of systemic metabolism: biochemical markers of the balance of anabolic and catabolic units of metabolism, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, oxygen transport system, indicators of morphofunctional status: muscle and fat mass, indicators of psychological state: quality of sleep and desire to exercise. Received dynamics of values of indicators of a functional state is used at the personalized selection of values of loading to the sportsman so, that the terms of return to the initial, prior to flight, the values of the above-mentioned indicators char