The dispenser of ingredients for the self-preparation of food in points of sale refers to a machine installed in any public place and which allows a person or consumer, after paying a predetermined amount, to access the ingredients needed to prepare in that place a hot food by himself, the food may be esquites, which are hot grains of cooked maize spiced with butter, mayonnaise, cheese, lemon, sauce, etc frijoles charros, which are beans in their broth accompanied with chili, onion, vegetables and further spices to suit the consumer taste, in general the equipment being versatile enough to be easily adapted to the regional requirements for preparing different food. The dispenser of food of the present invention consists in modular units, where the main unit is a conical-shaped funnel-type container which includes liquid with grains, either, maize, beans, rice, chickpea, etc., the liquid being maintained at a predetermined temperature for inhibiting the production of pathogen organism s the problem of the excessive heat leakage, which generates lost profits, is solved by a double protection which consists in that the walls of the main container are formed by three layers, an inner and an outer layer and a thermal insulating material therebetween, a second insulating means being provided by the modular nature of the equipment which has a support frame with external coating panels that protect and provide the same with a higher external insulation, preventing the thermal exchange with the environmental air. The inner portion of the main container has a mechanism for extracting a predetermined amount of solid and liquid material and pouring it into a disposable container provided to the consumer. The transport mechanism, the container, the gate and nozzle form a single compact module which is easily removed to be cleaned and maintained, since it is designed in such a manner that it is easily stored within a support structure intended to support and protect the same, the