Refers to a Pharmaceutical composition comprising: a) an inhaled liposomal dispersion of particles with a diameter between 30 and 500 nm.Where each Particle liposome comprises (i) a Hydrophobic bioactive Agent such as CoQ10, a Hydrophobic steroid anti-inflammatory Agent, NSAIDs, Antifungal agent, among others, in an amount of 0,1% to 30% w \/ W of the composition, and (ii) as a phospholipid DSPC or DPPC, DMPC, in an amount of 0.1% to 30% w \/ W of the composition, where the dispersion is a suspension, nano suspensionEmulsion or microemulsion and (b) an aqueous dispersion Vehicle such as water or an aqueous Salt Solution.The pharmaceutical composition is useful in the treatment of Lung Cancer, Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysemaSE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA INHALABLE QUE COMPRENDE: A) UNA DISPERSION DE PARTICULAS LIPOSOMALES CON UN DIAMETRO ENTRE 30 Y 500 NM, DONDE CADA PARTICULA LIPOSOMAL COMPRENDE i) UN AGENTE BIOACTIVO HIDROFOBO TAL COMO CoQ10, UN ESTEROIDE ANTIINFLAMATORIO HIDROFOBO, AGENTE AINE, AGENTE ANTIFUNGICO, ENTRE OTROS, EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,1% A 30% P/P DE LA COMPOSICION, Y ii) UN FOSFOLIPIDO TAL COMO DPPC, DSPC O DMPC, EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,1% A 30% P/P DE LA COMPOSICION, EN DONDE LA DISPERSION ES UNA SUSPENSION, NANO-SUSPENSION, EMULSION O MICROEMULSION Y B) UN VEHICULO DE DISPERSION ACUOSO TAL COMO AGUA O UNA SOLUCION SALINA ACUOSA. DICHA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE CANCER DE PULMON, ASMA, BRONQUITIS CRONICA, ENFISEMA