1. A method of manufacturing at least one individual patient bracket (1) of modular design with a base (3) and the body (7) of the bracket, which includes the following steps: a) providing a library (19) of blanks (5) base b ) providing at least one library (23) bodies braces with workpieces bodies (9) brackets, c) creating individual patient setup model, primarily of gypsum being treated maxillary teeth and / or the patients mandible, g) selecting one workpiece (5) from the library of a base (19) of blanks bases Nij for each subject being treated of the patient tooth, d) execution of the individual patient surface (ZK) bonding each preform (5) of the base, whereby the base forms (3), e) the body selection (7) of the bracket from the library (23) tel for each base bracket (3) for the corresponding compound with a base (3), g) connecting each base (3) to the corresponding body (7) of the bracket, whereby the bracket is formed (1) for each tooth patsienta.2 be treated. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the body (7) of the bracket from the library (23) braces bodies provided by: a) providing a preform (9) of the bracket body remote portion (9d), b) determining the first parameter for the separation distance portion (9d), the distance arises remote site sectional surface (9d) of the groove (11) to determine the appropriate body height (7) of the bracket, c) determining a second parameter to the separation distance portion (9d), cutting angle to the mesial-distal axis to determine the appropriate value Incline tion body (7) of the bracket, g) determine a third parameter for separation Distan1. Способ изготовления по меньшей мере одного индивидуального для пациента брекета (1) модульной конструкции с основанием (3) и телом (7) брекета, который включает в себя следующие шаги:а) обеспечение библиотеки (19) заготовок (5) оснований,б) обеспечение по меньшей мере одной библиотеки (23) тел брекетов с заготовками тел (9) брекетов,в) создание индивидуальной для