Although all kinds of methods have been used to deal with bird damage in the past, there are no clear and effective countermeasures.In addition, there is no technology to maintain the repellency of coatings against bird damage.The bird repellent coating of the present invention is at least one of the groups selected from the group consisting of the aqueous dispersion of bird repellent for vision filled in the microcapsule, the volatile bird repellent for smell filled in the microcapsule, and the bird repellent powder for vision, and the water-borne resin carrier containing the above substances.In addition, in the manufacture of the bird repellent coating, there was no bird repellent coating which decided its composition by considering the diversity and learning ability of birds in the past, but the bird avoidance coating described in the present invention takes into account the vision and smell of birds and makes great efforts in the coating coordination.對於鳥害,以往雖採用各種各樣的方法進行了應對,但現狀是還沒有明確有效的對策。此外,沒有維持應對鳥害的塗料的忌避性的技術。本發明所述的鳥類忌避塗料是含有選自於由微膠囊中填充的針對視覺的鳥類忌避劑水分散液、微膠囊中填充的揮發性的針對嗅覺的鳥類忌避劑以及針對視覺的鳥類忌避劑粉末組成的組中的至少一種和含有上述物質的水性樹脂載體。另外,在鳥類忌避塗料的製造中,以往不存在考慮鳥類的多樣性、學習能力而決定其成分等的鳥類忌避塗料,但本發明所述的鳥類忌避塗料考慮鳥類的視覺和嗅覺而在塗料配合上下功夫。