The present invention relates to a massage force training device and, more particularly, to a massage force training device for training physical strength of applying massage force, which includes a force receiving body and a control circuit installed on the force receiving body. The control circuit comprises a plurality of pressure detection elements for detecting a pressure, a setup and comparison element for performing setup and comparison, and a display element for displaying an applied force value. Therefore, if the force receiving body is defined as a human shape, the pressure detection elements can be installed in a part that needs massage for detecting force applied by a trainee to the part. After the setup and comparison element performs a comparison, a maximum value is displayed on the display element and, at the same time, the setup and comparison element can set up a preferable force value of each part in advance, so as to send out a warning message to the trainee when the applied force reaches the setup force value, thereby assisting the trainee in controlling the applied force so as to improve the massage training effect.本發明係一種按摩施力訓練裝置,尤指一種訓練按摩力道之按摩施力訓練裝置,其包含有一受力體及一設於受力體上之控制電路,而控制電路至少具有複數可感測壓力之壓力檢知元件、一供設定及比較之設定比較元件及一供顯示施力值之顯示元件,藉此,當受力體被定義為人體形狀時,可將壓力檢知元件設於需按摩的部位,以供檢知練習者對該部位的施力力道,且經設定比較元件比對後將最大值顯現於顯示元件上,同時設定比較元件可預先設定各部位的較佳受力值,讓練習者可在施力達到設定值時發出警訊,以協助練習者控制其施力之力道,從而提升其按摩訓練的效果。(10)...受力體(22)...壓力檢知元件(25)...顯示元件